I love the holidays, I really do. I'm not a bust-out-the-tinsel-and-stockings-the-day-after-Halloween-kind-of-gal but I do love all the excitement of the season. But let's be honest, it's not all mistletoe and fa la la's, in fact, I've even been know to throw a choice word or twelve around in my preparations for the big day. Being responsible for the magic and fun of Christmas can be a lot! Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favorite jobs as a mom but my own mother set the Christmas bar way too high so, naturally, I have to beat her at her own game. Competitive, much? Thanks, mom. Oh, and I guess it makes my kids happy, so there's that.
But on a serious note, it's a hard time of year for a lot of folks. The pressure to make it perfect, the financial stress, missing loved ones, and even just the seasonal change that can greatly impact us. And this year will take all of the above and multiply ten fold.
I see you, friends. Stressed, trying to hold it together, and maybe, just maybe, even hoping to enjoy some of the merriment. I wanted to share some of my favorite poses to send those holiday blues packing. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated, just some feel good postures to help you find some calm, grounding and show yourself a little love.
All of these poses have different benefits from reducing anxiety to boosting your immune system but mostly, it's about devoting a little time to yourself.
Shoulder rotations with a belt
Ok, maybe I need this one more than the average yogi bear but I carry ALL of my tension in my shoulders. From lugging kids, to cleaning, to sitting on my ass and scrolling the 'gram, I feel it all up top. So if you're anything like me, you're welcome.
Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani)
The mother of all poses. Not officially but definitely in my book. Been on your feet all day? This one's for you. Tight hamstrings? This one's for you. Trouble sleeping, headaches, backaches, or any other ailment under the sun? You guessed it, this one's for you. Plus, there are some awesome variations to work in.
Downward Facing Dog variation (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
I call this my counter nap pose. You can try it with arms extended to help open the chest and shoulders or bend the elbows making a little pillow and take a minute of pause between cursing at Christmas lights.
Supported Child's Pose (Balasana)
Smell ya later, anxiety, Child's Pose has your back. Bonus, your kids might climb on you like little goats and it's the best back massage you got in 2020, which of course, is terrible.
Supported Backbend
Hello 3pm pick-me-up! Backbends always give me a little burst of energy when I feel like I'm literally about to fall asleep standing up. And while there is something energizing about the increase of oxygen you get in backbends, they are also pretty damn calming too. I do suggest avoiding backbends if you are in a very anxious state- this is when any forward folds are your best friend!
Supported Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Have yourself a chill session.